Integrative Medicine

for the eternally curious

Your system innately knows what it needs to be in balance.
Our bodies and spirits can heal themselves when provided with the right tools. 

“Said the river: imagine everything you can imagine, then keep on going.”

-Mary Oliver


The Approach

A safe, structured environment that gently encourages your unique journey to unfold.

A balance of levity and gravity, shadow and light:

a hidden grove to assimilate of the vast range of your experiences.

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.”

– Ramana Maharshi

2025 Retreat Dates

- January 25 - Feb 3rd -

Plant Medicine Retreat in costa rica


Journey Work

Journey work to nurture deep integration of plant medicine experiences.

Your story held with intentionality and care:

a gentle recognition of your own voice.

Treatment Areas

Move toward presence, connection, and clarity:

uniting your heart, your mind, and your internal world.

KAP Sessions

A gentle introduction opens the path, where dreams and goals are shared, preparing for the journey ahead.

In the depths of the mind, KAP unlocks the door, while Hakomi and Internal Family Systems guide the dance of emotions and memories.

Reflecting on insights gained, the integration of mind and heart continues, weaving understanding into everyday life.

Dr. Sarah Foster

Founder - yoxon integrative medicine


As a doctor of neuroradiology and professional ballet dancer, I have spent decades balancing the cerebral structures of Western medicine and the embodied joy of physical movement. 

My deep passion for holistic, nurturing wellness felt incomplete with the constraints of Western medicine. 

learn more

I attended Sarah’s 2023 Costa Rica retreat and was blown away. I’ve participated in retreats similar to this one in the past, but never one that was so carefully and thoughtfully put together. Every aspect of the week was designed to support and nurture the growth and healing I experienced. Not only were the other participants an amazing group of mindful individuals, but I felt completely supported throughout the entire journey. Sarah was immensely present in both the ways that she quietly held space for each of us to do challenging work on our own, but also in the ways she was available to each of us individually to help work through sticky and sometimes very difficult personal material that came up. Sarah’s western medical background, along with more modern psychological practices such as IFS and Hakomi make her an ideal practitioner and provide her with multiple lenses to view the many things we all have to work through. Working with her has been a true gift.


“At the height of my depression, feeling my lowest, traditional approaches to therapy were leaving me wanting more. The idea of taking antidepressants has never been appealing. I was desperate for something new, someone that could really help. The universe said yes and with perfect timing Sarah came into my life like a lighthouse at the edge of a storm. After our first session I walked away feeling heard, held, safe. I’ve never felt like I’m “just a client” to her. She’s become a great friend and teacher to
me over the past year of sessions and journey work. And in that time I feel like I’ve rediscovered myself. I feel happy, I feel full, I feel like Noah. Her approach makes the hard work feel easy. Like being gently guided through the forest you’ve been lost in for so long. I have learned so much about the world and myself from her, laughing and crying along the way. The space she provides is immaculate and her energy is warm and full of unconditional love. Sarah is a blessing.”

Noah. M , Seattle

Reserve Your Space