
"The barn burned down. Now I can see the moon."

― Japanese Proverb

Dr. Sarah Foster

I’m here to help you integrate past traumas, sink into moments of joy and struggle with equal curiosity, and help unearth your body and mind’s natural inclination toward balance. Gently access a deeper level of consciousness and clarity, so your genuine self can shine through.


"I would love to live like a river flows, carried by the surprise of its own unfolding.”

― John O'Donohue

Internal Family Systems

Internal Family Systems is a transformative model of psychotherapy, powerfully backed by scientific evidence. Each of us contains multitudes, and each member of our inner "family" affects how well the whole can function.

When the members of our internal family are in balance and aligned, our lives run smoothly regardless of external circumstances. When the parts are polarized or tell us stories that are not in alignment with our true selves, we function out of harmony. The IFS vision is to unify these internal family members and align them with our true self, in order to create deeper harmony and balance both within ourselves and our lives as a whole.

Hakomi Method

The Hakomi Method is a mindfulness and somatic therapy practice that unites mental and physical aspects of growth and healing. Our deepest selves intuitively know what they need to heal, though we often need help in accessing that wisdom. We all have early memories and experiences that shaped our core beliefs, which then became our subconscious habits, attitudes and behaviors.

Through Hakomi, we will combine physical and mental therapies to discover how and why those core beliefs formed, whether they still serve you, and how to gently guide them into a more holistic and healthy worldview and sense of Self. Studies have shown deep transformation through Hakomi: improved sense of self, mindfulness, body wisdom, relationships, and community.

KAP Sessions

Sarah Foster, MD offers a transformative experience through Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP) sessions, integrating her extensive training in Hakomi and Internal Family Systems (IFS). 
With a background rooted in the mindfulness-based, somatic therapy approach of Hakomi and the parts-work focus of IFS, Sarah brings a unique blend of therapeutic techniques to her KAP sessions. 
Trained by the Polaris Institute in Ketamine Assisted Therapy, Sarah offers clients to access deeper layers of their consciousness, uncovering and addressing core issues. 
Through Hakomi, clients are guided to remain mindful and present, while IFS helps them explore and heal their internal family system, facilitating profound personal growth and emotional healing.

Initial KAP session* offerings are structured as a comprehensive 3-session package designed to ensure a smooth, supportive journey through the therapeutic process. 
The initial package begins with an introductory call, where clients can discuss their goals and receive essential information about the upcoming experience. 
This is followed by the KAP session, where the therapeutic use of ketamine, combined with Sarah's expert guidance in Hakomi and IFS, helps unlock and process deep-seated emotions and memories. 
The journey is followed-up with an integration call, providing clients with the opportunity to reflect on their experiences, solidify insights, and develop strategies to incorporate newfound awareness into their daily lives. 
Together, these sessions create a holistic and supportive framework for meaningful psychological and emotional transformation.

*The Initial KAP Package is a prerequisite for any clients that are new to doing KAP work with Sarah. Clients who wish to continue this work will have the opportunity to book individual KAP sessions moving forward. 

Who is this work for?

You’re ready for a deeper exploration of your internal systems and how they connect and support each other.

You long for greater peace, wholeness and health. 

You have a sense that there is more to the story.

"Dr. Sarah Foster curated a soul-nourishing explorative journey for healing. I was welcomed into a safe space and given a clear outline of my physical and spiritual journey over the 7-day retreat that I embarked on with other curious souls in beautiful Costa Rica. My experience was transformative and gentle, even when it challenged me to go deeper. I felt seen and embraced by the other incredible humans that also chose Sarah to guide them through this retreat. We laughed, cried, journaled, stared at stars, faced our shadows, were humbled, and ultimately - invigorated with the Truth our bodies innately know. I believe it's a never-ending journey of self-exploration. Sarah and her incredible team of healers helped me explore my Self and understand a little bit more though every activity, question, and moment. I'm eternally grateful and will be back as I continue my soul's path. Thank you, Sarah!"

-Dana Ramnarine, she/her/hers
Vice President| Creative Talent Strategist

“I reached out to Sarah because I was feeling stuck, in hopes of finding a new path forward. As a nurse, I had only book-knowledge about what sort of process I was looking for beyond what I could find at my therapist’s office. In Sarah’s care, I found healing in the most surprising ways that have made a lasting imprint on not only the issues I was processing at the time, but also my fledgling appreciation of the energetic and feminine aspects of healing she wove into my experience. Sarah held a generous, open-hearted space that was truly respectful of my own healing wisdom and opened me to a new vista of freedom and flow. Working with her was an empowering experience for which I’m deeply grateful!”

Jennifer, RN, Seattle

journey onward

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